RBHOO Sponsored Activities
Rick Hoban
911 Switches

911 Switches
This is the emergency flasher switch that can be tied to one of your outdoor lights, e.g. garage lights. The intent for using this switch in Rarity Bay is to help first responders and other emergency services locate your home in the dark. Emergency switches can be purchased from RBHOO.
Rick Hoban
Rudy Henjy
Adopt A Highway 72

Adopt A Highway 72
RBHOO has adopted a portion of Highway 72 outside of our main gate. This segment is 1 mile of HWY 72 on each side of the entry to Rarity Bay totaling 2 miles. Roadside cleanup is needed 4 – 5 times per year by resident volunteers. Vests, trash bags, gloves, and grabbing poles are provided.
Rudy Henjy
Rick Hoban
Cartridges for Kids Recycling

Cartridges for Kids Recycling
This program is to recycle both ink and LaserJet printer cartridges. Old cartridges can be taken to the CAC. The entry door to the right of the main door of the CAC has a blue labeled box with a lid in the library. Cartridges can be placed there and are picked up periodically and taken to the Vonore Middle School who then take them to an office supply location for recycling/refunds and any proceeds are used for educational items
Rick Hoban
Regina Elgin
Document Shredding

Document Shredding
This free service for all Rarity Bay residents is provided as a community service by Loudon County. They will bring an office shredder to a designated location in Rarity Bay. Notices for the location, date, and times will be published in the RBHOO newsletter, the RBCAI newsletter, and on the RBHOO website.
Regina Elgin
Anke Linton
House Buddies

House Buddies
This is a Rarity Bay program developed to promote security and safety for residents when they are away from home. Residents pick friends/neighbors and provide them with a key to their home and the House Buddies checklist located on the RBHOO website with pertinent information regarding their home such as alarm codes and water shut off location. A decal with the House Buddies phone number is displayed in a window location on the front of the home
Anke Linton
Gary Cole
Knife Sharpening

Knife Sharpening
Lightning Sharp out of Knoxville is a mobile sharpening service that can sharpen knives, scissors, instruments, tools and more. They use a true Japanese technique to provide the best edge without damage to your items. Service is provided multiple times throughout the year in the RBCC parking lot.
Gary Cole
Rick Hoban
Radon Monitoring

Radon Monitoring
Radon is prevalent in East Tennessee. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is produced by the natural breakdown of uranium in the soil. RBHOO owns 3 electronic testers. A system was established to record those who wanted to test and keep track of the readings obtained. The hope was to find trends and make recommendations from the testing results. These testers continue to be available to any member who wishes to test or retest.
Rick Hoban
Jamie Frisbey
Resident Borrow List

Resident Borrow List
These are items that are owned by either a resident (see list on website) or owned by RBHOO that can be loaned out on a temporary basis to Rarity Bay Residents. A deposit may be required for some items. All items must be returned in the same condition as when they are loaned.
Jamie Frisbey
Marty Calloway
Services List

Services List
This list is located on the RBHOO website and provided as a service of the Rarity Bay Homeowners Organization (RBHOO). Listed vendors are NOT endorsed in any way by RBHOO. Names only appear here if recommended by a fellow resident. Feel free to contact the referring resident for more information. It is the RBHOO Board's policy not to include "negative references". Recommendations are only accepted from current RBHOO members.
Marty Calloway
Anke Linton
Yellow Dot

Yellow Dot
The Tennessee State Yellow DOT Program is designed to provide first responders with an individual’s medical information in the event of an emergency on Tennessee’s roadways. Participants in the program will receive a Yellow DOT folder with a medical information sheet to keep in the glove compartment of the vehicle, and a Yellow DOT decal. The Yellow DOT decal should be placed on the driver’s side rear window of the vehicle. The information in the Yellow DOT folder is not kept by any agency or person and will only be accessed by first responders in case of a roadway incident where emergency medical attention is needed.
Anke Linton